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About me

I am a passionate landscape and time-lapse photographer from Melbourne, Australia, currently based on the small Caribbean Island of Nevis.

Becoming a tennis player in my younger years, the sport that gave me the opportunity to travel the world and compete internationally until ultimately leading me to my current career as a tennis teaching professional. Currently I still working for an International Tennis Management company. 

My real passion for photography came when back in 2009 I purchased my first Nikon DSLR and headed out on a week-long solo camping and backpacking trip to Lake Clark National Park, Alaska. 

During my time in Alaska, I really had no idea on how to use my new camera, however being surrounded by incredible nature on all sides I knew I wanted to be there in that moment to try to photograph it. That trip didn’t give me many successful photographs, although I did walk away in awe of the Alaskan nature and my passion to be out there and photograph it.

It definitely gave me a new purpose as to why I spend my free time in the wilderness and gave me the realisation that I wish to spend more and more time in some of the world’s most beautiful locations. 

Since then I have been motivated on developing camera skills and improving the many aspects of Landscape and time-lapse photography.


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do” - MARK TWAIN

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