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Recent Adventures

Originally from Melbourne, Australia. I have been travelling the world teaching tennis for a living for the past 12 years.

I have always had a passion for travelling and living in the Great Outdoors,but my passion for photography started a few years ago on a week trip to Lake Clark National Park in Alaska.



 January 2020 trip

Recently I was lucky enough to find myself travelling up into the North West Territories of Northern Canada in search of the truly amazing natural phenomenon that is the Aurora Borealis, and try to photograph them dancing across the open skies

Having been lucky enough to see and photograph them once before in Yellowknife and also a few times before in Iceland, I knew I would be in for a true wilderness experience, surrounded by frozen lakes, snow covered trees and complete nature in all directions.

However thick snow clouds greeted me for the first four days of the trip and I was starting to think that I would walk away from my 6 night trip with no photos at all. On night five the skies had opened up for the first time and I managed to get a glimpse of what I was there looking for, after getting some images (as well as one selfie as seen below) the clouds once again covered the skies and viewing was done for the night.

Day six and my last night dealt me perfect conditions, clear skies, frigid temperatures of -38 I thought I would be in for a great night of Aurora viewing, however nature had other things in store and truly and gave me nothing all night long. All in all it was an epic time spent up hiking, snowmobiling in the Arctic with my good buddy Stephan Hervieux a resident of Yellowknife.

For the second part of my holiday I went back home to Australia. After spending time with family I headed out into the Grampians National Park (a national park about 260km from Melbourne). I had first visited the park with my family as a youngster and have be lucky enough to frequently visited there over the years. I find myself truly in awe of its rugged beauty, postcard perfect landscapes and abundance of Australian Wildlife.

I found myself visiting many of the sites I have been before, but its always exciting to back at them and to be chasing new light and new compositions, taking on new hiking trails and just being out in the Australian Wilderness a place I find myself most comfortable.

Living abroad for the past 15+ years It always feel wonderful to return home

Until my next adventure




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